The Adjustment is the heart of Chiropractic! An initial exam consisting of X-rays and / or manule palpation is required to identify vertebral dysfunction or misalignment. Once the vertebral area is diagnosed an adjustment is performed using a specific manual thrust. The direction, speed, depth and angle that are used is the result of years of experience, practice and a thorough understanding of spinal mechanics by the doctor of Chiropractic.
Kinesio tape is an elastic cotton strip with an acrylic adhesive that is used for treating athletic injuries and a variety of muscle disorders. Correcting the alignment of weak muscles as well as facilitating joint motion as a result of the tape's recoiling qualities. Additionally, the tape is claimed to lift the skin increasing blood flow and circulation of lymphatic fluids. The tape can stabilizes and restrict improper motion like after a ankle sprain additionally.
Graston Soft Tissue technique is used for scare tissue, chronic spasms, hypertonic and painful muscles. Six stainless steel tools of particular shape and size are used based on what area treated. The tools are used by the doctor to treat and detect muscle, tendon and ligament adhesions. The treatment goal and process is to “break up” the muscle adhesions allowing the muscle fibers to realign and heal, this is followed with proper stretching and strengthening.
Myofascial Release Technique is performed by palpation to evaluate the texture, tightness, and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed manual pressure with very specific patient movements. A multitude of musculoskeletal conditions can benefit from MRT.
Pregnancy is a time of significant change in the body for mom. The round ligament is special in that it anchors the uterus to the pelvis and just like an overused muscle, the round ligament can become tense. When tense it pushes the baby to one side of the uterus and can cause difficult or uncomfortable pregnancy for the baby and mom. Treatment involves a light pressure on the ligament helping it to relax, much like a massage helps relax tired muscles. This allows adequate space for the baby.
Many musculoskeletal complaints arise from injuries sustained in sports. Using Chiropractic adjustments will return normal spinal mobility and alignment. Additionally by using physical therapy to help the supportive tissues (muscles, tendons, & ligaments), chiropractic will help the injured areas return to normal function faster. Many professional athletes are utilizing chiropractic care more and more because they realize that it helps them maximize athletic performance.
Thompson Short Leg Technique uses a protocol of comparing leg lengths that determines whether the left or right pelvis is involved. This technique helps the doctor diagnose how to adjust the pelvis to restore proper leg length. This is paramount to back pain!!
U 1. Speeds up the healing process from the increase in blood flow in the treated area. 2. Decreases pain from the reduction of swelling and edema. 3. Gentle massage of affected area to soften scar tissue Electric Muscle Stimulation can produce an electric pulse to: 1. Relax a spasmed muscle 2. Strengthen a week Muscle 2. Produce Analgesia (pain killer)
A muscle is tight because another muscle is weak. A muscle is in spasm because the body is out of balance bio-mechanically. It is the doctors job to identity the imbalance in the body and correct it with proper and specific exercises. Including stretching and strengthening as every person is unique. SEE THE FOUNDATION TRAINING PAGE